Friday, January 23, 2015

Healing Wonders of Charcoal

    Who would have though that the lowly, soft, brittle, light, black, porous material which gives glow to fireplace will eventually be burning hot in the market of traditional medicine at the present.
    Despite the popularity of charcoal, there are still some people who are not sold to its potency due to misinformation and cluelessness. As they visit the nearest drugstore and supermarket they become ash gray over the dizzying prices of charcoal in tablet, capsule, or activated form.
    Charcoal therapy need not burn a hole in the pocket. It can be initiated right within, without leaving the confines and comfort of home. Healing Wonders of Charcoal is an inexpensive medium that provides information on the history and the effectiveness of charcoal treatment. It is product of more than three decades of thorough studies from insect bites to the most complex diseases as cancer.
    It contains easy to follow procedure and step by step application of Charcoal therapy. It includes real cases of patients whose lives and physical condition have been made whole through the healing wonders of Charcoal.

Science Speaks of Charcoal Therapy

    The use of charcoal in treating diseases is a product of long years of scientific studies. Raymund G. Hall said that knowledge of charcoal's phenomenal capacity for adsorption has been around for millennia. Hippocrates, as well as ancient Egyptian doctors, suggested its use for medicinal purposes. many problems, from poisoning to dizziness, were treated with it.

Physical Characteristic of Charcoal

    What is charcoal? Charcoal is defined as an amorphous, porous form of carbon made by the destructive distillation of almost any carbonaceous material such as wood, coconut shells, animal bones, and corn cobs.
    Wood, coconut shells, and bones of animal do not produce harmful chemicals, such as methylcholantherene and benzopyrene in the process of burning. Wood charcoal contains about 90 percent carbon, whereas bone charcoal contains about 11 percent carbon, 9 percent calcium carbonate, and 78 percent calcium phosphate. The term "charcoal" should accurately be reserved for the residue from carefully controlled heating of various organic materials without oxygen. Coal and charcoal briquettes, (a molded charcoal powder) are not safe for medicinal purposes. Partially burned wood has no therapeutic effect.
    In 1783, a German-Russian pharmacist, Tobias Lowitz, discovered the decolorizing and deodorizing properties of charcoal. He reported to the Russian navy in 1795 that he could purify water with charcoal. In 1793 Karl Hagan first explained the adsorptive characteristic of charcoal as a physical property.

Industrial Uses of Charcoal

    Charcoal is used as a domestic fuel for both heating and cooking. It is used for replacing coke (a black substance from coal used as a fuel) in the processing of some types of iron, for making black gun powder, for carbonizing steel, for production of calcium carbide, sodium cyanide and carbon tetrachloride, and for making arc electrodes. Activated charcoal is used to decolorize sugar and to purify drinking water, oils, and variety of substances in the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. It is used in air-conditioning system to remove odors and irritants. It is also used in industrial and military gas masks, in the exhaust system and coolant gas system of nuclear reactor installations, adsorbing and holding radioactive contaminants until the isotope decays. It is also used in removing carbon dioxides and purifying air in atomic submarines.
    Chemical warfare was almost stopped in its tracks by the intelligent use of charcoal in World War 1. Although charcoal has to be replaced frequently, it has never been supplanted as a practical agent for removing poisons from the air.

Medical Uses of Charcoal

    The medicinal properties of charcoal are given a strong boost by the United States Dispensatory (a book that tells how to prepare and use medicines). Its 1845 edition says that powdered charcoal is an antiseptic and adsorbent. Besides giving direction for making charcoal, the Dispensatory list several problems that can be treated with charcoal. Charcoal powder can be given for dyspepsia (poor digestion) where foul breath and smelly eructations are present, and for the offensive smell in the bowels which usually attend pregnancy. In poultice form charcoal is excellent for foul and gangrenous ulcers, correcting the odor, and improving the conditions of the sore. The poultice should be frequently renewed.
    In 1846, Garrod found that charcoal was an effective antidote for animals against poisoning by strychlonine, opium, morphine, aconite, elaterium, veratrum, stramonium, cantharides, and some minerals. In 1948, Rand extended Garrod's studies to humans. he also worked on the quantitative relationships between charcoal and particular poisons. In those early days, poisoning, anthrax, epilepsy, vertigo, and many other problems were treated with charcoal. In 1857, Bird recommended charcoal as an absorbent for the gasses resulting from indigestion.
    In the 1930's, Nahmmacher asserted that charcoal adsorbs wound secretions, bacteria, and toxins. It does not only keep bacteria from entering the blood stream, it also withdraws bacteria from the blood. When the uterus becomes infected, inserted "pencil charcoal" (charcoal shaped like pencils) can adsorb bacteria and toxins while it coats to prevent the adsorption of bacteria and toxins into the surrounding tissue. He inserted charcoal "pencils" about 5 cm. long, 5 mm. wide, and 5 mm. thick for cases of infected abortion, pyometra, puerpueral endometritis, or in cases of cesarean section, after the membranes have raptured.

Plain, Activated, and Capsulated Charcoal

    Charcoal powder is now made into capsules tablets. People ask whether plain charcoal is just as effective as activated charcoal powder, capsules, and tablets for the treatment of diseases.
    What is activated charcoal? Activated charcoal is produced by heating or burning wood, bone, or coconut shell in a furnace or in a kiln to temperatures of 800-900 degreeC (1470-1650 degreeF) pass in steam to remove carbon dioxide and other substances. This process results in the formation of a highly developed internal pore structure with very large surface area that may be as high as 2,000 square meters per gram. Thus, it affords a high quality of adsorption.
    Luella Doub said plain charcoal has great power adsorption. It adsorbs poisons and foreign substances that get into the body. Activated charcoal does the same work but it does even better. Its adsorptive power is tremendously increased by the activating process.
    Commercial tablets and capsules have been found about half less effective as compared to finely powdered charcoal. One study revealed that pulverized charcoal taken by humans prevented the adsorption of drugs by 73 percent, whereas the tablets prevented only 48 percent. A tablet containing 0.44 gm. total material has only 0.33 gm. of charcoal. The remaining is starch.
    Activated capsules are roughly twice as potent as the tablets. One tablespoon of charcoal stirred in a glass of water is equivalent to four capsules of activated charcoal or eight pieces of regular charcoal tablets.

Adsorptive Properties of Charcoal

    The most important work of charcoal powder in the treatment of diseases is to adsorb chemical substances that are harmful to the body, like germs, viruses, toxins, wound secretions, and other products of infections.

No Side Effects. No Known Contradictions

    All studies showed that charcoal is not harmful when ingested, when inhaled, and when applied on the skin.
    Workers in charcoal manufacturing plants have been studied to determine the effects of breathing the dust of the charcoal. It was found that the incidence of any respiratory system was extremely low, suggesting that breathing the dust was quite innocuous.
    There are no known serious effects of charcoal unless it is a specific allergy to some specific substance in it. Charcoal is one of the most effective remedies known to man. It is an excellent adsorbent, inexpensive, and harmless when properly used.
    Except for an occasional finding of bowel irritation in a certain inflammatory state in very sensitive person, there is no known contradiction to the use of charcoal.
    Activated charcoal is well tolerated even up to 100 grams or about 3/4 of a cupful of pulverized dry charcoal, and there is no known contradiction to the use in acute poisoning. It is immediately effective and can be easily used by men without medical background. Charcoal is the most valuable single agent currently available for treating poisoning.

Charcoal Therapy in the 19th Century

    The use of charcoal as a simple remedy for different health problems is an ancient way of treating many common diseases that afflict humankind dates back to the time of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 370 B.C.
    In the late 1800, Ellen G. White spearheaded the use of charcoal in the treatment of different diseases. A sincere and prayerful Christian, she wrote many books including health books such as: Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Happiness Homemade, Healthful Living, Temperance, Counsels on Health, and Selected Messages in three Volumes.

She Said:

    "The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every family were educated in how to used these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented, and no doctor need be called. These old-fashioned, simple herbs, used intelligently would have recovered may sick have died under drug medication.
    "One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in fomentations. This is a most successful remedy....I have prescribed this simple remedy, with perfect success....This works like a charm.
    "I expect you will laugh at this; but if I could give this remedy some outlandish name that no one knew but myself, it would have greater influence....But the simplest remedies may assist nature, and leave no baleful effects after their use.

Indications of Charcoal Drink

    The diseases and some physical disorders indicated for charcoal drink are alphabetically arranged.

1. Amoebic dysentery             
2. Anemia                               
3. Animal and insect bite          
4. Anorexia (loss of appetite)    
5. Arthritis and gout                 
6. Bad breath (halitosis)
7. Bladder infection
8. Bladder stone
9. Blood cleansing
10. Cancer
11. Chicken fox
12. Cholera
13. Cough
14. Diabetes
15. Diarrhea
16. Dysentery
17. Dyspepsia (poor digestion)
18. Ear disorder
19. Eye problem
20. Fever
21. Flu (Influenza)
22. Gall Bladder infection
23. Gall Bladder polyp
24. Gall Bladder stone
25. Gas pain
26. Glaucoma
27. Hematoma
28. Hepatitis
29. Heart burn
30. Heart disorder
31. HIV/AIDS (still experimental)
32. Hyperacidity
33. Indigestion
34. Infection abortion
35. Infection of the ovaries
36. Infection of the pancreas
37. Infection of the gland
38. Infection of the uterus
39. Inflammation
40. Jaundice
41. Kidney Infection
42. Leprosy
43. Leukemia
44. Liver disorder
45. Malaria
46. Measles
47. Mastitis
48. Myoma
49. Meningitis
50. Nausea and Vomiting
51. Painful urination
52. Pertussis
53. Poisoning
54. Post surgical case
55. Prostitis
56. Rheumatism
57. Sinusitis
58. Snake bite
59. Stomach ache
60. Tonsilitis
61. Tuberculosis
62. Tympanism (butod)
63. Typoid and dengue fever
64. Ulcer
65. Uremia
66. Urinary disorder
67. Urinary tract infection
68. Vaginal Infection
69. Veneral diseases

If you wish to get the copy of this book, you may contact me directly.

Jay Caspe Falcatan
Email Add:
Cell #: 09175467418

Published and printed by
Philippine Publishing House

Copyright 2006
By Philippine Publishing House
632 Leland Drive, Baesa
1401 Caloocan City, Philippines,

No part of this book shall be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, without written permission of the author.

This book is personal work of the author. The school and the church where the author belongs are non-partisian of its production.

Charcoal therapy has no side effects, no known contradictions, and no danger overdose. The author, however, and the school and the church where he belongs, and the publisher hold no legal responsibility for any complication or death during and after charcoal treatment.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Look Ahead to Strengthen Your Relationship

Do you and your partner ever make some time to just sit and talk about where you see your life going? Do you discuss what you are thinking of getting accomplished this year as well as where you’d like to be ten years from now?

Getting through the weekly responsibilities takes a lot out of most of us. Evenings usually last only long enough to have dinner and maybe watch a little TV or play a game. It’s hard to muster the mental strength to deal with anything very serious. And by the time the weekend rolls around, many people are simply too exhausted to enjoy it while others fill up their weekend with activities, which is fine. With so much going on day to day, it’s totally understandable if setting aside time to plan for the future feels like one thing too many.

Yet the truth is that futurizing with your mate is a healthy activity that will make you both happier, because as you look at the future, you’ll be creating things to look forward to, and that’s where happiness comes from. One thing that successful relationships all have in common is that the couples in them make plans for the future, both near and long term. Making plans builds a bond and a stronger sense of security in our hearts. We all have dreams and desires that we want to share with the people we love, but if you don’t talk about them and create a way to make them happen, you will just live life in your head.

Planning for the future with your partner is not hard at all, once you begin. You might start by picturing yourselves living together well into your golden years and talk about what life will be like for the two of you. Sometimes you can see your own future by just looking out your front door.

When you get older, being able to live on your own and being able to get around will become primary issues. You need to make plans for how you can maintain the lifestyle that you want and what you will do if that’s not possible.

If you plan to be with your partner for the long haul, communicating about what you want and need beyond the next trip to the market or to travel is something you need to do. One benefit of this process is that when something in life changes the way you live, you can get back on track much more easily.

Being able to talk about your future together, sharing your hopes and dreams for the rest of your lives, is a true gift.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Six Important Facts About Jesus' Second Coming

When Jesus will come

Jesus’ disciples asked Him one day, “ ‘What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’ ” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus answered this question in two ways.
Fact 1:  We don’t know when Jesus will come. During the past century, various groups and individuals have set dates for Jesus’ second coming, among them: 1914, 1964, 1988, and 1994. During the 1990s, some people predicted that Jesus would come on or about the year 2000. However, Jesus said, “ ‘No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father’ ” (verse 36).
So, it’s useless to set dates for the second coming of Jesus ourselves or to get excited about the dates others set. Many people get burned out when date after date passes and nothing happens, and they give up all hope in Jesus’ return.
Fact 2: We can know when His coming is near. Jesus did say, however, that we can know when His coming is near, just as we know that summer is near when we see leaves sprouting on the trees (verses 32, 33). And He gave us several signs by which we can know this.
One of these signs is the global preaching of the gospel. “ ‘This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,’ ” He said, “ ‘and then the end will come’ ” (verse 14).
We humans will never know when every person on earth has had a chance to hear the good news about Jesus and His offer of eternal life to all who believe in Him. But one point is very evident—it’s easier today than it has been at any other time in human history to share the good news with every human being. Think of it: TV, radio, books, magazines, and newspapers—and now the Internet and the World Wide Web! Given the right circumstances, the whole world could hear the gospel overnight!
The Bible also says that shortly before Jesus returns, the world will be very fascinated with spiritualism and communication with demonic spirits. For example, Jesus said that prior to His return “ ‘false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible’ ” (verse 24). In a similar passage in Revelation, John said that “demons performing miraculous signs” will gather the kings of the earth for the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:14–16). And Paul said that at the time of Jesus’ return, Satan will come displaying “all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
It’s significant, I believe, that today we see a rapid buildup in New Age channeling and other forms of so-called communication with the dead. This is a sign of Jesus’ soon coming, and it’s also a warning that we must not accept miracle workers simply because they seem to have supernatural powers. Satan can work miracles, and he performs his miracles to deceive people.

How Jesus will come

Jesus predicted that prior to His return impostors will appear at various places on earth, claiming to be Him. “ ‘Watch out,’ ” He said. “ ‘For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many.’ ” That’s why He warned, “ ‘If anyone tells you, “There he is, out in the desert,” do not go out; or, “Here he is, in the inner rooms,” do not believe it’ ” (Matthew 24:4, 5, 26).
Fortunately, no one has to be deceived. There are three ways you can recognize the real Jesus when He comes.
Fact 3: His coming will be a public event. For one thing, Jesus’ coming will be the most public event in the history of the world. The Bible says, “Every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7), and Jesus Himself said, “ ‘As lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man ” (verse 27).
Not only will Jesus’ coming be visible, it will also be very, very audible. Paul said, “The Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God” (1 Thessalonians 4:16). And he told the church in Corinth that “the trumpet will sound” at Jesus’ second coming (1 Corinthians 15:52).
Fact 4: He will come in the clouds. Jesus also said that He will come  ‘on the clouds of the sky’ ” (Matthew 24:30)—a fact that is repeated several times in the New Testament. For example, in Revelation, John wrote, “Look, he is coming with the clouds” (Revelation 1:7). Later, in an actual vision of Jesus’ second coming, John said, “I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one ‘like a son of man’ ” (Revelation 14:14).
Fact 5: The dead will be raised to life. Jesus said,  ‘A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out’ ” (John 5:28, 29). Those who have done good “ ‘will rise to live’ ” (verse 29). Jesus didn’t say just when this will happen, but Paul explained that it will happen at Jesus’ second coming: “The Lord himself will come down from heaven, . . . and the dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
So you can know that anyone claiming to be Jesus is an impostor unless he appears on clouds in the sky with the sound of a loud trumpet and raises the dead to life.

How to be ready

The next important question is, How can you and I be ready for Jesus’ return? And the answer is the sixth important fact we need to know about His second coming.
Fact 6: You can be ready. Even some people who think they are ready for Jesus’ second coming will discover they aren’t. He warned, “ ‘Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven’ ” (Matthew 7:21).
So, what must you and I do to be ready for Jesus to come?
First, we must recognize the wrong things we’ve done and make them right. If we’ve harmed someone, we should make amends. And while God doesn’t require us to overcome all of our bad habits before He will accept us, He does want us to acknowledge them and put ourselves on the side of overcoming them. The Bible calls this “repentance” and “confession.” We must also accept Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins and ask Him to forgive those sins.
When we have met all of these conditions, God does two things for us. First, He forgives us. And second, He transforms our minds and emotions so that the evil things we once loved we now hate and the good things we once hated we now love. Christians call this the “new birth.”

The hope of Jesus’ coming

Are you getting tired of pain and suffering and sickness and death? God promises that in the new home Jesus is preparing for us “ ‘he will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things [will have] passed away’ ” (Revelation 21:4).
When Jesus comes, those of your friends and loved ones who were believers and have since died will be raised to life. They will join with God’s people who are still alive on the earth, “and so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). No wonder the Bible invites us to “encourage each other with these words” (verse 18).
Wouldn’t you like to be ready to meet Jesus when He comes? All you have to do is ask Him to come into your life.
The best fact of all is that you can say that prayer right now!

Dating and Sex

What to avoid on dates. It's in the Bible, Romans 13:13, TLB. "Be decent and true in everything you do so that all can approve your behavior. Don't spend your time in wild parties and getting drunk or in adultery and lust, or fighting, or jealousy."Dating should not include a sexual relationship. It's in the Bible, I Corinthians 6:13,18, TLB. "But sexual sin is never right: our bodies were not made for that, but for the Lord…That is why I say to run from sex sin. No other sin affects the body as this one does. When you sin this sin it is against your own body."Keep yourself pure. It's in the Bible, I John 3:3, TLB. "And everyone who really believes this will try to stay pure because Christ is pure."
To keep from hurting ourselves, sexual desires and activities must be placed under Christ's control. It's in the Bible, I Thessalonians 4:3-5, TLB. "For God wants you to be holy and pure and to keep clear of all sexual sin so that each of you will marry in holiness and honor—not in lustful passion as the heathen do, in their ignorance of God and his ways."
If you have already gone too far physically, what should you do?
First, acknowledge your sin. It's in the Bible, Psalm 51:2-4, TLB. "Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt. Let me be pure again. For I admit my shameful deed—it haunts me day and night."
Second, Ask forgiveness for your sin—God says you can start over again. It's in the Bible, Psalm 51:7-12, TLB. "Sprinkle me with the cleansing blood and I shall be clean again. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. And after You have punished me, give me back my joy again. Don't keep looking at my sins—erase them from Your sight. Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires. Don't toss me aside, banished forever from Your presence. Don't take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey You."
Third, Believe that God has indeed forgiven you and quit feeling guilty. It's in the Bible, Psalm 32:1-6, TLB. "What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record. There was a time when I wouldn't admit what a sinner I was. But my dishonesty made me miserable and filled my days with frustration. All day and all night Your hand was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water on a sunny day until I finally admitted all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, 'I will confess them to the Lord.' And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Now I say that each believer should confess his sins to God when he is aware of them, while there is time to be forgiven. Judgment will not touch him if he does. You are my hiding place from every storm of life; You even keep me from getting into trouble! You surround me with songs of victory."

I'll let you go

Today was just one of those days where everything I did reminded me of you and every song I heard somehow related to you. I hate days like today, because they remind me of the one thing I don't have. It's really painful to say goodbye to someone that you don't want to let go but it's even more painful to ask someone to stay if they never wanted to stay.

I'm holding on to something that used to be there hoping it will come back, knowing it won't. Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wish they would just leave and never comeback but yet, loved them so much, you knew you'd die if they did?

I'm going to smile, because I want to make you happy, laugh, so you won't see me cry. I'm going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me. I'm going to smile.

I hate the way I could never hate you. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you. Life sucks a lot of the time, right? But, you know, if you can get through a heartbreak, you can get through almost anything.

One day you'll look back and think... damn! that person really did love me... You are unmistakenably my first love. Every person I am with for the rest of my life will be compared to you.

Time and time again, i forgave you. I've forgiven you for things that I swore to myself I'd never forgive someone for... and here you are, still hurting me, and I still forgive you.

One day you'll look back, and you'll see. You've missed out on alot. And i hope that you'll not regret it.


Healing of both physical and spiritual sickness is an important part of Christ's ministry. It's in the Bible, Matthew 4:23, TLB. "Jesus traveled all through Galilee teaching in the Jewish synagogues, everywhere preaching the Good News about the Kingdom of Heaven. And He healed every kind of sickness and disease."
Physical healing is not the most important gift God can give. It's in the Bible, Matthew 9:2, TLB. "Soon some men brought Him a paralyzed boy on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the sick boy, 'Cheer up, son! For I have forgiven your sins!"
Physical healing takes place because God wants to heal us spiritually. It's in the Bible, Matthew 9:6, NIV. " 'But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins'Then He said to the paralytic, 'Get up, take your mat and go home.'"
Spiritual healing is provided by Christ's death for our sins. It's in the Bible, Isaiah 53:4-5, TLB. "Yet it was our grief He bore, our sorrows that weighed Him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, for His own sins! But He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was chastised that we might have peace; He was lashed—and we are healed."
Healing miracles validated the ministry of the early church. It's in the Bible, Acts 5:16, TLB. "And crowds came in from the Jerusalem suburbs, bringing their sick folk and those possessed by demons; and every one of them was healed."
While miracles are a sign of God's ministry, one needs to be alert, for Satan can perform miracles too. It's in the Bible, Revelation 16:14, NIV. "They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle of the great day of God Almighty."
The miraculous never cancels the need for personal faith. It's in the Bible, John 20:29-31, TLB. "Then Jesus told him, 'You believe because you have seen Me. But blessed are those who haven't seen Me and believe anyway.' Jesus disciples saw Him do many other miracles besides the ones told about in this book, but these are recorded so that you will believe that He is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that believing in Him you will have life."
Obeying God's instructions brings healing. It's in the Bible, Exodus 15:26, TLB. "If you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and obey it, and do what is right, then I will not make you suffer the diseases I send on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you."
God can provide healing for terminal illnesses. It's in the Bible, Psalm 107:20, TLB. "He spoke, and they were healed—snatched from the door of death."
The prayer of faith, symbolized by anointing with oil, brings healing. It's in the Bible, James 5:14-15, TLB. "Is anyone sick? He should call for the elders of the church and they should pray over him and pour a little oil upon him, calling on the Lord to heal him. And their prayer, if offered in faith, will heal him, for the Lord will make him well; and if his sickness was caused by some sin, the Lord will forgive him."

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Saying Goodbye

       I will always remember the very first time we met, the very first time my lips touched your lips, the very first time you wrapped your arms around me and rested your head on my shoulder. Your smile your way of looking at me will always be fresh in my memories. There are so many lovely memories but the fact remains the memories are not enough to bind us for rest of our lives. I still have some hope deep in my heart that someday my undying love will bring you back in my arms. Your love letters to me remind me how much you love me ( or loved me) The picture of your charming smile keep flashing back in front of my eyes; though I know things will never be the same but …. I just can’t stop myself .. I still love you.. I still yearn for your love.     No matter for how many more months or years I won’t get to see you still your memories and my love for you will never fade away. I leave everything on the destiny; I am sure you still think about me. Though over a period of time I have realized the bitter truth that we can’t be together. I won’t hesitate to say that I am still hanging on to our love.There are so many unanswered questions in my mind that sometimes it forces me to approach you to get the answers and say a final goodbye to you. At the same time I want you to come to a realization where my undying love for you will make you come to me. Sooner or later.. It doesn’t matter .. I am still waiting for you… and will always will. No matter you come to me or not.. I will never have any regrets in life of  loving you… of holding you in my arms of dreaming to be with you forever..till the time I am alive... 

Hanggang Sa Huli

Wala ng hihigit pa sa buhay ng isang tao na makasama ang kanyang minamahal at pinag aalayan mo ng lahat, na wari’y tila walang katapusan ang mundo sapagkat pareho nyong binubuo ang mga pangarap ng inyong pagsasama sa mga darating na panahon, Kay sarap isipin na ang minamahal mo ay malayo ang pag tanaw at walang kasing ganda at kasing laki ang mga naisin para sa mas ikabubuti ng kanilang pagsasama, hindi pa man natutupad ang mga pangarap na yun ngunit isa tong magandang baon sa pag harap sa kasalukuyang kalagayan at magkaroon ng determinasyon na isa katuparan ang bawat mithiin, Isa, dalawa, tatlo habang binibilang ko ang mga araw na lumilipas ay punong puno eto ng pag asa, hindi man bigkasin ng aking mga labi ang mga katagang eto ngunit sa kabila ng aking pag iisip ay buo ang pundasyon na isakatuparan ang lahat at magkaroon ng isang masaya at mapayapang pagsasama hanggang sa huli.        

       Hindi ko magawang isipin o ni pumasok man lang sa aking imahinasyon na darating ang panahon ay mawawala ang lahat ng ito, ni sa panaginip ay hindi ko man lang nakita na maaari at may posibilidad na matuldukan ang ang lahat ng mabubuti at magagandang pangarap ng dahil lamang sa mga bagay na siguro ay hindi magkaroon ng koneksyon, hindi magkasundo o maging sa mga prisipyo at paniniwala ay magkaiba, hindi ko lubusang maisip na maaaring pag mulan ang mga eto upang hindi maisakatuparan ang dati’y mga magagandang pangarap na ngayon ay hanggang pangarap nalang pala. Bakit ang tao kailangan magbago ng pagtingin? bakit ang tao kailangan bumitaw? bakit ang tao kailangan mabigo at masaktan? kahit alam nito ang sakit at hapdi na maaaring idulot ng mga bagay nato, Nakakalungkot isipin na may mga pangarap na naglalaho at nagiging panaginip na lamang ng dahil sa mga personal na bagay ng bawat indibidwal at hindi kayang maisakatuparan dahil ang dalawang tao ay may mag kaibang pananaw sa buhay? bakit hindi kayang tanggapin ng bawat isa na likas tayong may kanya kanyang kagustuhan at subukang tanggapin ang bagay na to alang alang sa mga pangarap na magkasam nilang binuo,           

       Ilang tao ang kailangan nating makilala? ilang tao ang kailangan nating makasama para lang makita natin sa kanila ang mga bagay na pareho at  pwedeng pag kasunduan at masasabi mong sya na, sya na ang tamang tao na sa tingin ko hanggang sa aking pag tanda ay aking makakasama? walang taong nagkaroon ng parehong antas ng kaalaman, pareho ang mga kagustuhan, pareho ang mga ginagawa sa buhay, Binigyan tayo ng Dios ng kanya kanyang antas ng kaisipan kaya tayo ay unique binigyan tayo ng kanya kanyang kaalaman at kakayahan upang gawin ang mga bagay na nakakapag pasaya sa atin, at kung dumating man ang taong makakasama mo ay binigyan din tayo ng kakayahan ng Dios na tumanggap ng mga bagay upang magkaroon ng mabuting kasunduan ang dalawang taong pinag isa, Tulad ng isang bagong kasal sila ay mag uumpisang bumuo ng sariling tahanan, sariling pamilya, sila ay hihiwalay sa kanilang mga magulang upang isa katuparan ang mga pangarap na pareho nilang aabutin kahit ano mang pag subok ang kanilang pag daanan at harapin, normal sa dalawang tao na may mga bagay na hindi pagkakasunduan ngunit hindi sapat ang mga eto upang isantabi ang lahat ng pangarap at talikdan nalang ang lahat ng sinimulan, bakit hindi natin subukang tanggapin ang isat isa at pagkasuduan ang mga bagay na hadlang sa pagkamit ng mga pangarap para sa ikatitibay ng pag sasama hanggang sa huli..          

       Ikaw! marahil maraming gumugulo sa isip mo, nais ko lang malaman mo kung nawalan ka ng pag asa at nawala ang iyong pangarap para sa iyong minamahal, ipikit mo ang iyong mga mata, isipin mo kung dumating ang panahon na tuluyan na ngang natapos ang lahat sa inyo ng minamahal mo sa kasalulukuyan, ano ang magiging hakbang mo? sa kabila ba ng iyong pag iisip ay umaasa ka na maaari mong matagpuan ang taong sa tingin mo ay pareho kayo ng magiging pag tanaw sa buhay? pareho kayo ng gusto at pareho kayo ng paniniwala? pareho kayo ng lakas at pareho kayo sa pagdadala at pag unawa sa relasyon? marahil hindi mo eto alam, hindi ka sigurado, at maaaring blanko o hindi yan sumasagi sa isip mo ngayon, ang oras at panahon ay tumatakbo, lumalakad ang ating mga buhay sa mundo, natututo tayo sa mga pagkakamali at natututo tayong kumilala ng mga bagay na may kinalaman sa ating kasalukuyang kalagayan, ngunit bakit hindi mo subukang buksan muli ang iyong puso, at italaga mo! isipin mo na lahat ng bagay sa mundo ay nag babago, lahat ay nagkakaroon ng panibagong yugto, lahat tayo ay may kanya kanyang kagustuhan at sana tayo ay maging handa na tanggapin at harapin ang mga yon sapagkat darating ang araw kapag puti na iyong mga buhok, kulubot na ang iyong mga balat, malabo na ang iyong mga mata, ay doon mo maiisip at masasabi, na! Salamat! salamat sapagkat sa kabila ng lahat ng naging haamon sa buhay kasama ng aking minamahal, ay ginawa naming tanggapin ang isat isa kahit maraming bagay ang hindi namin napagkakasunduan at napaka sarap isipin na humantong tayo sa pagtanda na dala dala natin ang mga alaala ng mga pinag daanan at masasabi nating nag tagumpay ang ating mga pangarap na makasama ko ang taong pinakamamahal ko hanggang sa huling sandali ng aking buhay, at hindi yan matutumbasan ng lahat ng magagandang karansan sa ating buhay, hindi yan matutumbasan ng kahit ano mang tagumpay sa iyong larangan na naabot, at hindi yan matutumbasan ng kahit anong materyal na bagay na ating na impok, dahil hanggang sa huling sandali ng ating buhay, ang tanging ating mababaon sa hukay ay alaala at masayang kwento ng ating pananatili sa lupa at yun ay ang makasama mo ang taong pinaka mamahal minsan pa ay tinanggap at pinag laban natin.

“Hanggang sa Huli"

Hanggang Kailan

Habang sinusulat ko tong blog na to, walang ibang laman ang aking puso at isip kundi ang tagos hanggang buto  ang kalungkutan na aking nararamdaman, hindi mapigilan na pag patak ng aking mga luha dahil sa kabila ng aking isipan ay  nag babadya ang isang nalalapit na pag tatapos isa sa pinaka magandang kwento ng aking buhay pag-ibig, Gusto kong sumigaw at ilabas ang lahat ng aking nararamdaman ngunit wala akong magawa kundi tanggapin na darating ang araw na pinaka masayang sandali ng aking buhay ay matutuldukan na, ang tanong ko ay bakit? bakit kailangang humantong sa ganto ang lahat? nawalan ako ng pag asa na maayos pa at maibalik sa dati ang aming samahan na masasabi kong hindi kayang tumbasan ng kahit ano mang bagay na meron dito sa lupa, Umiyak ako sa Dios at humihiling na wag Nya sana akong hayaan na manatili sa ganitong yugto ng buhay, hanggang sa pag pikit ng aking mga mata at wala akong nakikita kundi ang kalungkutan na unti unting kumakain ng buong pagkatao.
     Napakasakit palang isipin na kahit kasama mo pa ang taong mahal na mahal mo ay di mo maiiwasang madama ang lubos na kalungkutan dahil sa kabila neto ay nag hihintay nalang kami ng tamang oras upang tuldukan ang lahat sa aming dalawa, hindi ko lubusang makita ang aking sarili na darating ang panahon ay mabubuhay ako ng wala na ang taong pinapangarap kong makasama hanggang sa aking pag tanda, kung maiibalik ko ang lang oras at panahon sana ay inilihis ko ang bawat sandali ng aming pag sasama sa magagandang sandali ng aming pag mamahalan, sana ay kinimkim ko nalang ang lahat ng pait at sakit sa aking sarili upang hindi na humantong sa malalalim na di pag kakaunawaan ang aming pag mamahalan, Araw at gabi akong umiiyak hanggang sa sa panaginip ko ay nakikita ko ang aking sarili na kung gaano kahirap ang mawalan ng taong sobra mong pinag alayan ng lahat, Hindi ko matanggap hindi ko lubusang maisip at hindi ko makita ang aking sarili na mabubuhay pa ng wala ang taong pinaka mamahal ko..
    Gusto kong mag makaawa na sana ay bumalik ang lahat saamin na walang kinukubling pag aalinlangan at banta ng kalungkutan sa hinaharap, subalit eto ang masakit na katotohanan na kailangan ko ng tanggapin.
    Darating ang panahon at susuko din ako dahil wala akong ibang magawa kundi tanggapin ang lahat, puno puno ako ng lungkot, pang hihinayang, hindi maipaliwanag na lumbay ni hindi kayang dayain ang aking sarili para maging masaya. sa bawat araw na lumilipas sa aking buhay na nakikita ko sya ay nag iiwan ito ng sugat, ngayon ko lang napag tanto kung gaano ako ka duwag, bilang isang indibidwal na nagmahal ay hindi ko maiwasan sisihin ang aking sarili at maaari ko tong dalhin hanggang sa huling sandali ng aking buhay, magiging isang matamis na alaala ang lahat ngunit magiging isang mapait na sandali ang huling bahagi neto,
    Napakaraming bagay ang dapat kong pasalamat sa kabila ng lahat ng aking nadaramang kalungkutan ngunit hindi ko magawang ngumiti sa tuwing naiisip ko na nagsasama nalang kami ng aking minamahal at nag hihintay nalang tamang panahon kung kailang namin kailangang tuldukan ang lahat ng namamagitan samin, ang bigat isipin at hindi ko magawang tanggapin sa kasalukuyan na darating ang araw ay may isang magaganap at eto ay may kinalaman sa isang malaking bahagi ng aking tunay na buhay.
    Bakit hindi ko na kayang maging masaya bakit nag iiwan to ng pait sa bawat araw na lumilipas na kasama ko sya, marahil binibigkas pa nya ang mga salitang mahal kita pero hindi ko na madama ang sinseridad neto dahil sa mga bagay na unti unting pag babago na nakikita ko sa kanya,, habang inaalala ko ang masasayang araw namin na sakin lang nakatuon ang kanyang oras, ako lang ang kanyang kinakausap, ako ang nasa kanyang prayoridad, sakin umiikot ang kanyang mundo, hanggang sa pag tulog ay sabay naming dinarama ang lamig ng simoy ng hangin sa gabi, at sa pag gising sa umaga ay kanyang mukha ang una mong makikita,, at ngayon lahat ng yun ay nawala na, nag bago ang lahat ng dahil sa aking mga pag kakamali at sa aking mga nagawang pag kukulang bilang isang katuwang, gusto kong tanungin paano? paano ko maibabalik ang lahat at dating pag tingin.. 
    Ngayon ay nakita ko na nagkaroon na muli sya ng bagong mundo, bagong kausap at sa bawat sandali at alam ko na nag bibigay to sa kanya ng kaligayahan, wala akong magawa kundi tiisin ang bahaging ito at nag hihintay na lamang na tuluyan na akong sumuko at tanggapin ang katotohanan na hindi ko na kayang ibalik pa ang lahat tulad ng dati.
    Nakikiusap lang ako sa Dios na sana ay turuan nya akong makalimot sa isang alaala na walang kasing saya na may katumbas na walang hanggang kalungkutan, Mahal na mahal kita at hindi mawawala yun at kung ang panalangin ko ay sasagutin ng Dios kaagad, sana ay hindi ka na mawala sa aking buhay, pero wala akong ibang magawa kundi maghintay kung kailan at saan kami dadalhin ng aming sitwasyon ngayon, ang tanging tanong ko ay..

"Hanggang Kailan."

Ano Nga Ba Ang Dahilan

            Bilang lamang sa aking mga daliri ang taong naging bahagi ng aking buhay, na minsan pa ay nag pa tibok ng aking puso at nag bigay ng kulay sa aking buhay, sa bawat oras at araw ma lumipas sakin ay halos iba sa mga ito ay nabura na aking alaala ngunit nag iwan nalang ito ng isang bakas ng magagandang kwento at mga karanasan na aking baon hanggang sa kasalukuyan na syang dahilan kung bakit ako mas matibay at matatag. bawat yugto ay may kwento may katatawanan, may kalungkutan may mga sandaling tampuhan ngunit palamuti ang mga karanasang eto upang mas maging matibay ang isang pag sasama.   
          Minsan isang araw ay napadaan ako sa isang coffee shop at nakaagaw pansin ang isang dalagita, may kaputian at mahaba ang buhok at nang aking titigan ang kanyang mga mata ang mugto ito at basa ng luha, nais ko syang lapitan ngunit nag dalawang isip ako na baka kailangan nyang mapag isa subalit batid ko ang kanyang pag daramdam, ang kanyang lungkot at bakas sa kanyang mukha ang bigat ng kanyang pinag daraanan, ilang hakbang pa at nakita ko ang babae na iniangat ang kanyang mukha at bahagyang tumingin sakin, nakadama ako ng pagka ilang subalit nag lakas loob akong lumapit at nag tanong, 
"Miss ok ka lang ba?"
 hindi sya umimik, ngunit umiling ng bahagya ang kanyang ulo, nag pasya akong umupo sa kanyang harapan at nag lakas loob akong nag tanong na kailangan mo ba ng kausap? bigla yang humagulhol at naramdaman ko ang lalim na pinang gagalingan ng kanyang kalungkutan, pagkaraan ng ilang mga minuto ay nag umpisa syang nag kwento ng kanyang nararamdaman at sa kanyang mga isinalaysay ay tunay  ngang hagip ang pinaka loob ng kanyang puso para masaktan at maging dahilan ng kanyang pag hihinagpis, sa kanyang salaysay ay nagkaroon sya ng kasintahan sa loob ng 3 taon, sa kabila ng kanilang masayang pag sasama at buong akala nya na ang kanyang minamahal ay sya ng makakasama nya pang habang buhay, ngunit sa isang di inaasahang pag kakataon ay nagkaroon silang ng di pag kakaunawaan at marahil para sa kanya ay normal na pinag dadaanan eto ng isang magka relasyon, isang malalim na buntong hininga at kanyang na sambit, “ ang sakit! ang sakit sakit! “ habang dahan dahang umiiling ang kanyang ulo kasabay ang pag patak ng kanyang mga luha.. pagkaraan ng ilang minuto ay natapos ang kanyang pag sasalaysay at kaagad syang nag paalam sakin sabay kuha ng kanyang bag at walang pasubali daretsong naglakad papalayo mula sa lamesa na aming kina uupuan hanggang sa naglaho sya sa aking mga paningin, hindi ko man nalaman ang tunay na dahilan ng kanyang pag hihinagpis ngunit batid ko na malalim ang pinang huhugutan noon, at ang tangi ko nalang naibulong sa aking sarili na sana ay dumating ang panahon na matapos din ang kanyang pag hihinagpis..
      Hindi ko man nalaman ang tunay na dahilan ng kanyang dinadala ngunit nag iwan ito sa akin ng isang malaking katanungan na kung bakit sa kabila ng masayang pag mamahalan ay may katumbas din na malaking pag dadalamhati, hindi man perpekto ang ating mga buhay dito sa mundo ngunit pwede sana nating iwasan ang mga bagay na maaaring makapag dulot ng kalungkutan sa iba kung tayo lamang ay magiging maingat sa ating mga ginagawa, sabi nga ay walang perpektong relasyon sa mundong eto ngunit may mga pamamaraan upang maiwasan ang bagay na maaaring mag dulot ng hindi pag kakaunawaan sa isang relasyon, minsan ay kinakailangan din pag daanan ang mga unos sa buhay dahil pinapatatag neto ang isang bagay at mas binibigyan ng kahulugan ang tunay na pag sasama ng dalawang taong nag mamahalan, may kasabihan nga na mas mabuti pang iyakan mo ang taong nanakit sayo, kesa ikaw ang maging dahilan ng pag tangis ng taong nagmamahal sayo.. dahil mas magaan dalhin sa huli ang hinagpis at kalungkutan na iyong pinag dadaanan, kesa dalhin ang alala na minsan pa ay naging dahilan ka ng lubos na kalungkutan ng isang tao na minsan pa ay naging bahagi ng iyong buhay...

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tanging nais ko

Maraming bagay ang ngayon ay nasa aking puso at isipan at marahil ilan dito ay ang pag harap sa mga pagsubok na may kinalaman sa aking personal na buhay.. Gusto ko sana na ipagpatuloy ang mga masasayang bahagi neto kasama ng mga taong mahalaga at ngayon ay mas pinahahalagahan ko na, sapagkat napag tanto ko ilang na ulit ko bang dapat pag daanan ang hirap, takot, at sakit na sanay hindi ko pinagdadaanan sapagkat hindi eto ang nais ng Dios para sa Kanyang mga Anak.       May mga bagay marahil na Kailangan baguhin at iwan sapagkat bahagi eto ng nakaraan na hindi ko pwedeng dalhin hanggang sa hinaharap. Nais kong mabuhay ng mapayapa, masaya, may pangarap sa darating na bukas kasama ang taong mahalaga na masasabi kong karugtong ng hangin na aking nilalanghap para mabuhay, gusto kong baguhin ang bawat maling nagawa na nagdulot ng pag hihinagpis, kalungkutan at bigat ng kalooban na syang nag dadala sakin upang ako ay mawalan ng pag asa, upang ako ay matakot na harapin ang mga araw na darating saking buhay. Ngunit! Alam ko na may plano ang Dios para sa akin, para sayo at sa bawat isa atin at batid ko na eto ay may mas magandang idudulot sa ating buhay, ayaw ko na sanang tanawin at balikang ang mga maling nagawa sa nakaraan at dapat ay tanggapin ko ang naging bunga neto at matuto, naniniwala ako sa pagbabago dahil ang tao ay nilalang ng Dios na may puso at damdamin at minsan ay hinahayan Nya tayo sa mga pagkakamali dahil batid Nya na mula sa pagkakadapa ay likas sa tao ang tumatayo at lumalakad muli ang mag patuloy sa kanyang pag lalakbay.
May mga bagay na marahil ay hindi na pwedeng balikan ngunit pwedeng nating baguhin sa hinaharap.
At may mga nakaraan na maaari nating balikan at gamitin upang mas maging ganap na mabuting tao at gawing inspirasyon upang hubugin ang ating mga karakter tungo sa isang tunay at ganap na pag babago,  ngunit may hinaharap tayo na pwede nating ikonekta sa ating nakaraan at gamitin eto upang mas mahubog tayo na mag patuloy na lumakad ng buong tapang at matutong mag pahalaga sa mga bagay na dapat ay ating pinahahalagahan, at magkaroon ng  pag sisikap na bigyang kulay muli ang buhay, bigyan ng bagong yugto, bagong pagtanaw at bagong pag asa, lahat ng tao ay may kakulangan at may kahinaan, may kamalian at may kakulangan, ngunit ang tao din ay may kakayahang mag bago, makakilala ng pagkakamali at ituwid ang mali at magbigay pahalaga sa bawat bagay at araw na dumarating at lumilipas sa kanya.. Lahat tayo ay haharap sa mga pagkukulang at pagkakamali at katuwang natin ay ang  pag sisikap na baguhin at ituwid eto.. Para sakin bilang isang tao na dumaan sa samot saring pag subok sa buhay umaasa ako na bibigyan ako ng pagkakataon na ituwid eto at ipag patuloy ang buhay ng puno ng pag asa at determinasyon, may mawawala at may darating, may inaasahan at may pag asa, may sugat at mag hihilom.. Nais ko sana ay manatili ang isang bagay sa buhay ko ang makasama ang isang tao na bahagi ng aking pag asa, bahagi ng aking hinaharap at bahagi ng aking buhay sa mga darating na mga panahon. Iisa Lang ang tangi kong panalangin, yun ay ang pareho naming makamit ang tunay na "saya" sapagkat nakapaloob sa kasiyahan ang lahat ng mabubuting bagay, masaya ka dahil kaya mong pasayahin ang iba, masaya ka dahil alam mong may nagmamahal sayo at kaya mong tumabasan ang pagmahal na binibigay sayo, masaya ka dahil tama ang yung mga ginagawa nyo sa isat isa, masaya ka dahil nakikita mo ang pag babago sa sarili at pag babago ng iba, masaya ka dahil umiikot ang mundo mo sa mga mabubuting bagay at sa isat isa, kaya ang konsepto ng kasiyahan ay hindi lamang sa dami ng iyong kayamanan, hindi sa dami ng kaibigan, hindi sa ibat ibang bagay na ating ginagawa at nakakamit  kundi ang tunay na kasiyahan ay ang makasama mo ang taong mahal mo at mag kasama kayong ituwid ang mga pagkukulang at pagkakamali ng isat Isa, at pareho kayong  mangarap sa hinaharap at sa mga darating na panahon ng inyong pag sasama at higit sa lahat ay magkasama kayong tutuklas ng mga bagay bagay na may kinalaman sa konsepto ng wagas at tunay na pag ibig, magkasama kayong kikilala sa mga pagkakamali na nagawa ng isat isa at magkasama ring itutuwid ang isat isa, magkasama sa pagbabago, magkasama na aasa at kikilala sa Dios na Syang naging dahil ang lahat ng mabubuting bagay na meron tayo sa ating mga buhay, magkasamang susunod sa Kanyang kalooban at hanggang maging sa langit ay magkasama doon ng masaya, walang hinagpis, walang lungkot at walang lumbay, kasama ng ating mga mahal sa buhay, mga kaibigan na naging saksi ng ating mga pinag daanan at masasabi nating kahit sa munting paraan ay naging inspirasyon nila ang ating pag sasama sa pagtuklas ng mabuti at ikbubuti ng ating mga buhay at sya ring dahilan kung bakit din sila ay nag karoon ng determinasyon na magkaroon ng magandang pangarap at maghangad ng mga hangarin tulad ng ating mga naabot at napakasayang isipin na kasama natin sila  sa langit at mabuhay sa piling ng Dios magpakailanman man..
At eto ang syang nais ko at syang laman ng aking puso..
Salamat at ikaw ang binigay sa akin.

Wala Ng Iiyak

         Isa sa mga pinaka magandang regalo na binigay ng Dios sa tao ay ang emosyon, sapagkat taglay neto ang kakayahan na makaramdam ng mga bagay tulad ng kalungkutan, pag hihinagpis, at kaligayahan. at eto marahil ang dahilan upang tayo ay gumawa ng mga bagay na konektado sa ating mga sarili at kinabukasan at isa rito ay sa unang pagkakataon na matuto kang mag mahal at makaramdam ng tunay na pag ibig, naaalala ko pa nung unang tumibok ang aking puso sa taong una kong minahal, makulay, masaya, hindi mabilang ang bawat ngiti sa aking labi, nakalutang sa hangin habang nakapikit ang aking mga mata at nasa imahinasyon ang kasagaan ng kaligayan na nadarama, parang wala ng bukas, parang wala ng katapusan at di alintana ang mga suliranin sapagkat nananaig ang pag ibig sa puso at isip, kay sarap balikan parang walang katapusan ang mundo,parang tumitigil eto sa pag ikot kaya talagang napaka dakila ng Dios dahil pag ibig ang una nyang niregalo sa atin, 
Habang kandong ka ng iyong Ina nung ikaw ay sanggol pa at tinititigan nya ang munti mong mukha ay namumutawi sa kanyang puso ang pag mamahal at buong puso kang aarugain upang ibigay sayo ang pinaka magandang buhay sapagkat gayon na lamang ang pag mamahal ng isang ina sa kanyang anak. wala syang ibang pinapangarap kundi ibigay ang lahat ng mabubuting bagay hanggang sa iyong paglaki, ganyan ang pag ibig, ganyan ang kapangyarihan ng pag mamahal dahil eto ang pinag mulan ng lahat ng bagay sa mundo..

            Kay daling sabihin na mahal natin ang isang tao, lalo na't sya ang nag papatibok ng ating puso, lahat ay iyong gagawin at handang isa alang alang ang mga bagay bagay, maging ang sariling kaligayan minsan ay kaya nating isakripisyo, napakasarap ng pakiramdam kung ang taong nag mamahal sayo ay taglay ang mga katangiang eto, at maaaring masabi mo na! ayaw mo ng matapos ang iyong buhay at makasama mo nalang ang iyong minamahal sa haba ng panahon.. Dapatwat ang pag mamahal din ang nag hahatid ng kabiguan sa isang tao, ng dahil sa isang pag mamahal na iyong inalay at ibinuhos sa isang tao ay sya ring nag dudulot ng sakdal na kalungkutan sa sangkatauhan, noong una ay hindi ko makita ang kabilang bahagi ng pag mamahal, bakit kailangan malungkot? bakit kailangan may umiiyak? bakit kailangan masaktan? sa kabila ng pag mamahalan ng dalawang tao? at napag tanto ko na hindi lang pala sapat ang mag mahal, hindi rin sapat lang ang ibigay mo ang lahat at gawin mo ang lahat ng pinaka mabuti para sa isang tao na iyong minamahal, kasama sa pag mamahal ang pag tanggap at pag unawa, pag hihintay at pag kakaloob ng wagas at walang kapantay na pag tanggap sa lahat ng bagay maging sa pinaka maganda at pinaka pangit na bahaging taglay ng iyong minamahal, at hanggang sa katapusan ay kaya mong ipag patuloy ang na umpisahang pag ibig at patuloy na umasa na darating ang araw ay makakamit mo ang iyong hinahangad na walang hanggang pag sasama. At marahil eto ang nais ng Dios sa dalawang taong nag mamahalan, na kung gaano Nya tayo tinanggap at pinatawad sa ating mga kasalan at kalimutan ang di magagandang nakaraan ay sya ring nais ng Ama na tayo ay mag karoon ng ganung klase ng pag tanaw sa ating buhay at sa ating mga minamahal..

           Nalulungkot ako pag nakakarinig ng dalawang taong nag kaka hiwalay, ng dahil sa hindi pag kakasunduan sa mga ilang bagay at umaabot sa punto na bumitaw na sa mga magagandang pangarap na kanilang parehong binuo ng sila ay nag uumpisa palang.. bawat pag patak ng aking mga luha habang binabalik tanaw ang mga bagay na nasayang ay walang akong magawa kundi ang mag sisi at sumusungkit ng konting pag asa at pag babaka sakali na maibalik ang lahat upang ipag patuloy muli ang mga nasirang pangarap para sa bawat isa, marahil eto ang pinaka mabigat na bahagi ng buhay ng tao at hindi sapat ang mga luha para mapawi ang hapdi at sakit na nadarama, mag sisi man ay huli na ang lahat ay bigla kong hinangad na sana ang tao ay tulad ng Dios, marunong makalimot at mag patawad at ibalik muli ang pag mamahal,at mag umpisa muli at ibigay ang lahat upang magkaroon muli ng pag asa, bagong yugto at kulay ang buhay natin. Ngunit bakit ang tao! kayang lumimot at mag patawad ngunit hindi kayang mag umpisa muli at bigyang ng pag kakataon at magkaroon ng bagong pag asa ang bawat isa, alang alang sa isang samahan na pareho nilang binuhos ang lahat ng oras at panahon.. sana ang tao ay maging tulad ng isang tubig sa batis na patuloy na dumadaloy ng walang katapusan na sa kahit anong pag daanan nitong panahon, maging mainit, tag ulan, tag tuyot ay mananatili syang tubig na dadaloy hanggang sa katapusan. at tayong mga tao na unang minahal ng Dios at paulit ulit na pinapatawad sa ating mga kasalanan sana ay maging ganun rin ang ating pag tanaw sa isang samahan at pag sasama na minsan pa ay naghari ang walang hanggang kaligayahan, hanggang sa pinaka maliit na ugat ng aking puso ay dadaloy dito ang dugo ng pag mamahal na syang mag didikta sa aking utak na ikaw, at ikaw lang ang taong handa kong makasama magpakailan man kung bibigyan lang natin ng pag kakataon ang ating mga sarili na buuin muli ang lahat ng pangarap na minsan pa’y nasira ng mga unos at pag subok na pinag daanan ng ating pagsasama, at kung taglay lang sana ng tao ang ganitong katangian.

Sanay ” Wala ng iiyak.."